Today is
Added July 7th, 2010 by Stacy

The 2010 World Cup final has now been set.  The two competing teams will be Netherlands and Spain.  They will go head-to-head this coming Sunday in the final soccer match of the 2010 World Cup.

Uruguay was initially the team expected to win the Netherlands vs. Uruguay semi-final yesterday, but the Netherlands was able to jump in, work well as a team, and take home the victory of the semi-final to advance to the final to play the winner of the Spain vs. Germany soccer semi-final match.  The Netherlands scored three goals on Uruguay given a final score of 3-2.

We knew the Germany vs. Spain soccer match would be a difficult one.  Both teams are exceptionally well in all aspects of the game so it was hard to actually determine who had the favor to win.  However, it was Spain that came out on top with only scoring a single goal on Germany earlier today.  That is one thing that we did expect, though, a game of very few scores.  Germany was unable to push through enough towards the end to defeat Spain (likely because their offense wasn’t the greatest without Thomas Mueller) and for the second consecutive World Cup championship, will compete in the third-place match this coming Saturday.  I expect for Germany to defeat Uruguay in the third-place match. We watched the online sportsbooks heat up with the odds on these last few matches.

Come this Sunday, we will have a first-time World Cup team champion crowned the winner of this year’s FIFA World Cup.  Neither Spain nor the Netherlands have ever won a World Cup so no matter who wins it will be their first time as a World Cup champion.

Who are you placing your sports bets on?  I believe this time mine will be on the Netherlands.   They proven themselves so far that they can hold up to the rest of the teams and I think they’ll be able to hold their own with Spain.  Nevertheless, it will be an enticing match to watch. Bodog sportsbook ha sall the best USA sportsbooks action and is one of the leaders in sports betting.

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